April 5, 2008 is a day that changed my life in many ways. I flew to Chicago to shoot a wedding for the first time with Anne Ruthmann. It was the first time I shot with a fisheye lens on my camera. It was revolutionary for me to work with and talk to Anne.
Who further convinced me to work the contact manager and calendar apps that are already integrated into my macbook. Most importantly, April 5 was the start of a valuable and inspiring friendship.
I love to see birds released at a wedding, though releasing animals can have mixed results if not handled properly. Moreen and Tommy’s parents surprised them with a dove release right after their wedding ceremony and the looks on their faces was priceless.
Moreen and Tommy, both Chicago police officers, were married at St. Mary, Star of the Sea Parish in Chicago, IL. Their reception was at Chicago Gaelic Park in Oak Forest, IL. I have a lot of random photos as the second shooter, but just wanted to show a few of my favorites here.