I met up with Erica and Adam at Woodstar Cafe in Northampton, Massachusetts where Erica’s photography is currently on display.These two delightfully unique people showed me some of their favorite places around town, and we visited the best little greenhouse while it poured buckets of rain outside.
What a WET engagement session… and what a wonderful chance to catch some of the final color of the new england autumn. I love you Erica and Adam!

Let’s talk about family portraits for a minute, and the rush for creating the perfect holiday card.
Ok, I know that everyone who has a nicer camera fancies themselves a photographer these days. I’ve heard from enough brides who decide to take up the relative’s offer to do their wedding photos for free (and seen the gory aftermath of that decision) and I’ve even seen some examples of a girl who tried to do her own boudoir photos (shudder).
But family portraits? With several kids? I can’t believe the TODAY Show was naieve enough to suggest that you should just do the photos yourself (or hire some random student from craigslist) — and then go get the same wal-mart kiosk templates for artless, shiny photo print. There’s clearly a commodification of portrait work going on out there, and I’m just confused why someone would settle for amateur portraits and cards.
If you’re going to invest in sending out a photo, at least do it right. Does that make me snobby? I know I am biased due to my profession, but I get so angry when people act like having a friend or student do photos is the same thing as hiring an experienced professional. It isn’t.
We’re jumping around to different locations and won’t have consistent access to the internet, but you can follow our adventures on our hawaii blog….